How to Make Dramatic Photo Effects with VSCO Cam

How to Make Dramatic Photo Effects with VSCO Cam. If getting a dramatic photo, especially using smarphone, is what you’ve been looking for then maybe this article could give some point.

At this time we will discuss about which filter is suitable for use when we want to give the effect of light rays of the sun on your photo.
We know that smartphone camera have some limitation if compared with a pros camera. As a mobile photography enthusiasts of course we also want to be able to produce photos that are cool and unique.

In my opinion, one way to produce photos that can be cool enough to get a “wow” comment from others is to make the photo becomes dramatic. Even for a simple moment.

If you believe that simplicity is the best, then it could be happen with your photos too.  

Make Simple Moments in Photos Become Memorable

In this article I used a photograph of two little girls who are trying to get close each others with their own way, which I think is adorable.

At the original photograph shows that the sunlight coming from the right direction. On the right side there is a window that is wide enough so that the intensity of incoming light is pretty good.

To clarify the effect of sunlight entering from the right in this photograph I chose to use a filter Q10 in the Alchemy Collection.

I set the filter level to the maximum level, which is level 12. In the picture below we can see the difference that shows up after using this filter.

After using the filter, the shadow that appears in the photo becomes more strong.
Q10 filter increase the sunlight effect that hit both girls and walls with the artificial grass. It produces shadows that add dramatic effect.

Other Features VSCO try on Cam

You can stop here if it was quite satisfied with the result. But if you want to play around with the other features, you can try adding a level of exposure to make the photo brighter.

I analogize the result of the addition of as much as 1 level exposures like to widen the size of the window in the room. Larger windows will increase the intensity of incoming light. The result, of course brighter photos.

We can see on the photo after giving an extra exposure the photo become faded. We can use the contrast feature to increase the contrast of light and dark in this photo.

Simply add one level only because contrast feature is very sensitive. Little use will bring huge impact.

 Sunlight Effect afternoon in Photos

If you want to give the effect of warm afternoon sunshine, use the temperature feature. This feature will increase the warmth on the photo to give shades of yellow, much like the warm afternoon sunlight.

Yup thats it the vsco cam tutorial about how to make your photos becomes more dramatic, with the VSCOCam Q10 filter. Hope it can bring inspiration for you guys :)

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